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My Story

Suzanne D'offay de Rieux
Elevating you to the highest and truest expression of yourself

We all have a story to tell, mine no longer defines me, but if it can help you in any way, I will share it. If you have ever been to the Seychelles, know someone who has, or even seen documentaries, then you know I am not exaggerating when I say I was born and raised in paradise. Island life was truly beautiful. I was raised on faith, not fear, and how grateful I am to my mother for such teachings as I wouldn't be the free spirit I always am, neither would I have had the self reliance, determination, strength and courage to move through the life lessons I came to experience, and still learning. Whether rich, poor, average, culturally diverse, able or disabled, all people lived in reverence and had great respect for each other.

The energy on the islands were unified and harmonious. We lived by spiritual principles regardless of political agendas. Collaboration, interconnectedness, harmony, cause and effect and more. Being kind, generous, supportive and compassionate was highly valued. These were the teachings of my childhood and served me well, as well as the teachings from nature herself, that everything is interconnected. I am grateful to have experienced a safe home and abundant childhood, until I arrived in London UK 1986.

As you can imagine, two words "culture shock". As I reached adolescent it felt like the family fell apart. In short from colour to grey. Looking back, I saw that life was teaching me adaptation and resilience which I learned very quickly in order to survive my new environment. Since all experiences have polarities, I experienced many adolescent adventures, equally all kinds of disparities, some too early for my years. Despite the challenges my personality was always bright, vibrant and optimistic which soon became a problem so I learnt like most expats who struggle to belong and fit in, to shrink and conform to gain acceptance. Of course that was the biggest betrayal to myself and took me out of my own integrity, but I was too young to even understand it until I arrived in adulthood, soul searching and began the journey back to my self learning and practicing self care and self love. Once on the path there is no going back!

I bring out the best in my clients, so they can overcome obstacles,

heal themselves, and become a greater force of good in their own lives

Make or Break

fear vs faith

In 2004, having had enough of the grit working for a corporate company, I decided I wanted to be my own boss, and utilise my gifts in different ways. I just love to bring out the best in people. There is nothing more fulfilling and rewarding than that to me, so what was I going to do? Following departure from my 7 years job, I decided to return to study, and so enrolled on the Counselling and psychotherapy training at the local adult college and Ding Dong!

I qualified after 4 years of vigorous training, and within the recommended 3 years post qualification experience, I applied and obtained the BACP (British association for counselling and psychotherapy) registration and accreditation status that meet counsellor/psychotherapist competency and practice standards. I am Person-Centred and CBT trained within the Humanistic traditions which puts the client at the centre of the work and values the therapeutic relationship over theories and techniques, by honouring the autonomous right of every individual to be self governing. I do not give advise, pathologies or assign labels, generalise, or minimise any human experience, rather I meet everyone where they are with love, compassion and acceptance. With my professional help I empower my clients and allow them the space to figure out their own lives.

Over the years I furthered my training in the field of neuroscience, mind/body/spirit connection in alternative approaches such as PSYCH-K® subconscious belief change processes. I am also a strategic Intervention trained coach and completed my training under my teachers Tony Robbins and Chloe Madanes. I attended UPW, (Tony Robins Unleash the Power Within Virtual workshop held 3-6 June 2021), A 54hrs continuous immersive transformational mind, body, spirit personal development workshop, which helped me put down a 35 years smoking addiction over the 4 days, through mindset change alone. I haven't touched a cigarette ever since, neither had cravings or the desire to do so. Understanding the function of why I smoked and the psychology of human needs that I learned blew my mind, and enabled me to have my breakthrough. All it took was a 2 mm shift in my thinking to realise that although it might have taken years to get there, change actually happens in a moment. I teach the psychology of human needs in my coaching service.

Since my traditional training I have added massive value to myself and my work over the years in further training, lectures and workshops with some of the worlds best entrepreneurial influential scientific and spiritual minds on the planet, such as Dr. Joe Dispensa, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Chloe Madanes, Mark and Magali Peysha. I am committed to updating my knowledge and add value to my services.

I have worked in various contexts — community, prison, hospice, private practices UK, and Geneva Switzerland. Since the pandemic hit I currently only work online. Facilitating an online practice enabled me to work with clients from all over the world — USA, Canada, India, Dubai, Pakistan, Thailand, Peru, Vietnam and in Europe to name some. I have worked with many human conditions, I have done over 10,000 hours of practice to date and still going. I can tell you from my personal and professional experience and observation, at the core of all primary human fears regardless of nationality and cultural influences, are the same two nagging questions. "Am I enough and will I be loved?" It would appear we ask these questions when we are disconnected from our own spiritual nature which holds different meaning for every individual. Do you identify yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience or a human being having a human experience, or are you sitting on the fence?

My intuition has been the guiding force my whole life and is very present in my work. I trust it profusely, and it helps me attune deeply empathically. I work to the BACP, EAC, and International Federation of Coaching (IFC) Codes of Ethics to ensure you receive a safe and quality service. I am spiritual by nature (not religious) which for me means; I am part of the source of life (God, Nature, Universe, Spirit, Higher Self, Music, etc - What ever you want to call it) and not separate from it. I welcome all walks of life to my practice with an intention to serve and contribute towards the greater healing of humanity. My roles as counsellor, psychotherapist, Coach are my passions. I believe is what I was born to be and I AM

After nearly 20 years of practice, I am delighted to bring my experience in collaboration with your inner wisdom, to tap into your greater potential

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